Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have been so busy these past months, that I did not get the chance to blog. I will fill you in with what happened during this month by what was most significant first, as I think back.

I was ready to go on my month long trip to visit my dear Lover in Milwaukee for my winter break. I was packed and ready two weeks before the trip, with my sisters large red duffle bag, zipped and ready for the long winter.

During the first week we attended my Love's winter commencement, and watched him from afar, as he received his recognition for graduating (although he still had two classes left to finish.. lol.... We did this so that it would be easier for us during May, when our wedding is just around the corner, in June).

During the Second week we spent time with family for Christmas and opened presents, like a little child once again, Thank You all sooo much for the wonderful gifts and thoughts during the Merry week!  

During the Christmas week,  my SIL was expecting to have her child any day before the new year, and so all week long we were anxious and we waited patiently... but as the days went by we were beginning to worry that we wouldn't be able to see the new addition to the family before our BIG trip to Philly for New Years Eve!!! Finally on December 30th, our little nephew was born and he was a perfect bundle of JOY! What a great way to end the year and to begin the new year, I thought, as I watched the new parents and aunts and uncles rejoice in happiness!!! Tou and I were very happy to have seen him before our early flight, so we kissed our family good night and drove to the store late at night to pickup snacks for our trip at 6 am!!

Some of our things were packed that night already, so it was not too difficult, we were up til 12ish and set our alarms for 3 am and fell deeply into our nap. When we awoke, we were ready and out the door, dropped off, waited for 30 minutes and we were boarding. It was nice traveling with my love for the first time on the plane, but it was wayy too early and he was sure grumpy.. lol... :)

Got to Philly and during the airport pickup, that was annoying, because we did not have a clue that Philly airport was soo difficult!!! Anyways, my very kind and caring cousin found us at last, and we began our new years eve with the lovely couple!!! (New years eve will have a new post, plus New York)

We were in Philly for 5 days, Went to New York on Monday and spent a day there, and the next day we went to Atlantic City and spent an afternoon there, and then on Thursday we flew back home.

I stayed in Milwaukee for about another week, and celebrated Tou's 27th Birthday! We had his favorite Chicken  Alfredo, pizza, and ice cream cake.

 After the long weeks which seemed so short at the end of the final day before boarding, had seemed so small... and it was very sad and hard to leave, but yes, I did. And so I flew back home and here I am catching up with my life again. I am so thankful to have spent all those weeks with my babe and his family, and miss him dearly. Can not wait to be married and together... :)

(pictures to come)