Saturday, February 26, 2011

October & November

October, My birthday month, which I did not do anything for. In the beginning of the month, it was swell, towards the end it was crazy. On October 20th, I found out that my cousin's daughter died, instantly with unknown symptoms. We were all very shocked! That was two weeks before my cousins wedding, and it all was very surreal. It was hard to handle the news, because she was loved by everyone, such a young and sweet dear, I sure will miss seeing her around with her siblings and her aunties.

One weird and funny or I should say sad thing about my birthday month was that none of my family members wished me a happy birthday or said anything to me... so sad!!! :( But of course what do you do, they're family... at least my Husband remembered!!! :)

Okay here are some photos from my cousins wedding. Traditional Hmong Clothes :) enjoy!

 Sadie loved the hmong clothes and wanted to wear them also!! :)  
 It was a busy day, and this was such a smart idea to take photos the day before the wedding!!! Good thinking, I'm definitely doing the same for mines!!!