Saturday, October 2, 2010


School, work and business! This is all about September. I know it seems a little silly, blogging Aug and Sept in October, but oh well, I've been so busy. All summer long I worked with families and spent time with my own, therefore with my professional career / work in gear for Sept, I am wiped out with things to do!!!

September was faster than all of the other months, it seemed so.. even though it has 30 days. Not much happened, or maybe it happened so quickly. Well, this month I spent a lot of time planning and printing invitations and mailing save the dates. Had girl time with my friends, ate at the Casino Cafe for Judy's farewell, had Missions Conference/Concert, and met Famous Hmong artist/writer, Cha Mee. :) Did a little Cosmo Bowling with friends; we had Julie's Bridal Shower this month as well, and that was the highlight of mid September. Plus my sister and brothers birthday, which falls on the same week, not day; but we always celebrate it together! (you know how that goes) And that wraps it all up for September!