Saturday, October 2, 2010


School, work and business! This is all about September. I know it seems a little silly, blogging Aug and Sept in October, but oh well, I've been so busy. All summer long I worked with families and spent time with my own, therefore with my professional career / work in gear for Sept, I am wiped out with things to do!!!

September was faster than all of the other months, it seemed so.. even though it has 30 days. Not much happened, or maybe it happened so quickly. Well, this month I spent a lot of time planning and printing invitations and mailing save the dates. Had girl time with my friends, ate at the Casino Cafe for Judy's farewell, had Missions Conference/Concert, and met Famous Hmong artist/writer, Cha Mee. :) Did a little Cosmo Bowling with friends; we had Julie's Bridal Shower this month as well, and that was the highlight of mid September. Plus my sister and brothers birthday, which falls on the same week, not day; but we always celebrate it together! (you know how that goes) And that wraps it all up for September!



"August Rush", thats what I would call this month. So much had happened! To back track, during the last weekend of July, my Sister and her two daughters came to visit. We went swimming at the pool almost everyday, or so it seemed as though it was everyday. It was a sleepless week, with three little girls crying, napping, feeding, eating, playing, and swimming 24/7, we were drained!!! Although it was such a short time together, it was very well spent. Our Biggest dilemma was planning our "sister" trip to San Francisco. It turned out that although we are older now, our father still looks at us as though we are still his little princesses. He was very protective and our night getaway was changed into a day getaway. Darn, what three women can do without children, husbands, and parents! (haha)  Anyway, I would say during that week I gained at least five pounds, from all the good eating, and cake! What a great sister week we had with family!

After my sister had left back to Georgia with her children, my soon to be Husband had shortly visited afterwards. My love was here for about two weeks, and  during his stay we were able to start and finish our traditional Hmong wedding/negotiation. After everything was official, our plans were to stay in town and do local activities. We attended one wedding of our in laws/cousins from Stockton, and spent some time with family. The most memorable part of the trip was, the weather change and the speed we were going at to get home!

For the first time, we actually lived like a "regular" couple, eating and watching movies til 11:30 or midnight. I would have to say that with Tou around, I'm a busy women. Being a wife is not easy, on top of that I'm a working lady, therefore; cleaning, cooking, laundry and so much more for an extra person was definitely different!!! With his visit we were able to make deeper decisions about the wedding, and we started our invites and finished our save the dates, we were able to work together as a team and got the job done.

Two weeks past quickly and soon enough my Love was on his way back home, to finish school. Darn, why does two love birds have to live so far from each other?! So if anyone says long distance doesn't work, IT DOES, you both have to work towards being together, thats what will keep your relationship! :)

Well that was my summer in a breath or two, and here I am already planning my fall!!!!!!

(enjoy the moments I had during the last few weeks of summer)