Saturday, February 26, 2011

October & November

October, My birthday month, which I did not do anything for. In the beginning of the month, it was swell, towards the end it was crazy. On October 20th, I found out that my cousin's daughter died, instantly with unknown symptoms. We were all very shocked! That was two weeks before my cousins wedding, and it all was very surreal. It was hard to handle the news, because she was loved by everyone, such a young and sweet dear, I sure will miss seeing her around with her siblings and her aunties.

One weird and funny or I should say sad thing about my birthday month was that none of my family members wished me a happy birthday or said anything to me... so sad!!! :( But of course what do you do, they're family... at least my Husband remembered!!! :)

Okay here are some photos from my cousins wedding. Traditional Hmong Clothes :) enjoy!

 Sadie loved the hmong clothes and wanted to wear them also!! :)  
 It was a busy day, and this was such a smart idea to take photos the day before the wedding!!! Good thinking, I'm definitely doing the same for mines!!! 


I have been so busy these past months, that I did not get the chance to blog. I will fill you in with what happened during this month by what was most significant first, as I think back.

I was ready to go on my month long trip to visit my dear Lover in Milwaukee for my winter break. I was packed and ready two weeks before the trip, with my sisters large red duffle bag, zipped and ready for the long winter.

During the first week we attended my Love's winter commencement, and watched him from afar, as he received his recognition for graduating (although he still had two classes left to finish.. lol.... We did this so that it would be easier for us during May, when our wedding is just around the corner, in June).

During the Second week we spent time with family for Christmas and opened presents, like a little child once again, Thank You all sooo much for the wonderful gifts and thoughts during the Merry week!  

During the Christmas week,  my SIL was expecting to have her child any day before the new year, and so all week long we were anxious and we waited patiently... but as the days went by we were beginning to worry that we wouldn't be able to see the new addition to the family before our BIG trip to Philly for New Years Eve!!! Finally on December 30th, our little nephew was born and he was a perfect bundle of JOY! What a great way to end the year and to begin the new year, I thought, as I watched the new parents and aunts and uncles rejoice in happiness!!! Tou and I were very happy to have seen him before our early flight, so we kissed our family good night and drove to the store late at night to pickup snacks for our trip at 6 am!!

Some of our things were packed that night already, so it was not too difficult, we were up til 12ish and set our alarms for 3 am and fell deeply into our nap. When we awoke, we were ready and out the door, dropped off, waited for 30 minutes and we were boarding. It was nice traveling with my love for the first time on the plane, but it was wayy too early and he was sure grumpy.. lol... :)

Got to Philly and during the airport pickup, that was annoying, because we did not have a clue that Philly airport was soo difficult!!! Anyways, my very kind and caring cousin found us at last, and we began our new years eve with the lovely couple!!! (New years eve will have a new post, plus New York)

We were in Philly for 5 days, Went to New York on Monday and spent a day there, and the next day we went to Atlantic City and spent an afternoon there, and then on Thursday we flew back home.

I stayed in Milwaukee for about another week, and celebrated Tou's 27th Birthday! We had his favorite Chicken  Alfredo, pizza, and ice cream cake.

 After the long weeks which seemed so short at the end of the final day before boarding, had seemed so small... and it was very sad and hard to leave, but yes, I did. And so I flew back home and here I am catching up with my life again. I am so thankful to have spent all those weeks with my babe and his family, and miss him dearly. Can not wait to be married and together... :)

(pictures to come)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


School, work and business! This is all about September. I know it seems a little silly, blogging Aug and Sept in October, but oh well, I've been so busy. All summer long I worked with families and spent time with my own, therefore with my professional career / work in gear for Sept, I am wiped out with things to do!!!

September was faster than all of the other months, it seemed so.. even though it has 30 days. Not much happened, or maybe it happened so quickly. Well, this month I spent a lot of time planning and printing invitations and mailing save the dates. Had girl time with my friends, ate at the Casino Cafe for Judy's farewell, had Missions Conference/Concert, and met Famous Hmong artist/writer, Cha Mee. :) Did a little Cosmo Bowling with friends; we had Julie's Bridal Shower this month as well, and that was the highlight of mid September. Plus my sister and brothers birthday, which falls on the same week, not day; but we always celebrate it together! (you know how that goes) And that wraps it all up for September!



"August Rush", thats what I would call this month. So much had happened! To back track, during the last weekend of July, my Sister and her two daughters came to visit. We went swimming at the pool almost everyday, or so it seemed as though it was everyday. It was a sleepless week, with three little girls crying, napping, feeding, eating, playing, and swimming 24/7, we were drained!!! Although it was such a short time together, it was very well spent. Our Biggest dilemma was planning our "sister" trip to San Francisco. It turned out that although we are older now, our father still looks at us as though we are still his little princesses. He was very protective and our night getaway was changed into a day getaway. Darn, what three women can do without children, husbands, and parents! (haha)  Anyway, I would say during that week I gained at least five pounds, from all the good eating, and cake! What a great sister week we had with family!

After my sister had left back to Georgia with her children, my soon to be Husband had shortly visited afterwards. My love was here for about two weeks, and  during his stay we were able to start and finish our traditional Hmong wedding/negotiation. After everything was official, our plans were to stay in town and do local activities. We attended one wedding of our in laws/cousins from Stockton, and spent some time with family. The most memorable part of the trip was, the weather change and the speed we were going at to get home!

For the first time, we actually lived like a "regular" couple, eating and watching movies til 11:30 or midnight. I would have to say that with Tou around, I'm a busy women. Being a wife is not easy, on top of that I'm a working lady, therefore; cleaning, cooking, laundry and so much more for an extra person was definitely different!!! With his visit we were able to make deeper decisions about the wedding, and we started our invites and finished our save the dates, we were able to work together as a team and got the job done.

Two weeks past quickly and soon enough my Love was on his way back home, to finish school. Darn, why does two love birds have to live so far from each other?! So if anyone says long distance doesn't work, IT DOES, you both have to work towards being together, thats what will keep your relationship! :)

Well that was my summer in a breath or two, and here I am already planning my fall!!!!!!

(enjoy the moments I had during the last few weeks of summer)


Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th

This year, July 4th was nothing extravagant, just a little family gathering and some catching up with other folks. I remember when July 4th use to be EXCITING, not that it isn't, but I know I use to look forward to this Holiday.

When my father worked for the High Steel Co. over 15 years ago, I remember going to their fire works show, and boy was it amazing!!! In Georgia, we attended the laser and light show at Stone Mountain, now that was pretty cool!!!! If you haven't gone, it's something you must see... even if it's not during J4, other nights make you feel like it is... LOL

While living in Colorado, we had the opportunity to celebrate a few July 4th events, the beauty of it all was sitting on the hillside and looking beyond that flat land, watching all the night lights come on, and the fire works in each city bloom in competition. Colorado is one of the most beautiful states I've ever lived in.

Now, California, has not impressed me yet... because I have not had the opportunity to actually go somewhere far or spectacular. This year the Oroville Dam had their fire works show, but I opt out, since I've heard the overly crowded lake becomes too hectic and jammed after the event, with people trying to exit.

So with all of this said, this year for J4 I spent time with my parents, cooked, clean, baked cupcakes and watched the kids shoot some fire works and relaxed. I believe this was good enough, and now it's time to wait until it comes around again next year, Happy Independence Day!!!